Global brand in local market

Palermo district, Buenos Aires

Can you see it?

Yes, it’s on the municipal street sign. Click on the photo and enlarge it. There it is! Ah, that’s ubiquitous advertising.

Claro and Nokia. Claro is a telecomm company, while Nokia continues to be the number 1 mobile phone maker in the world.

Does your city use street signs for corporate brand awareness? This was everywhere in BA.

By the way Claro’s tagline is “Es simple. Es claro.” Which is a fun play on words. (“Simple” doesn’t mean exactly the same as “simple” in English, but is used more in the sense of “plain, simple-minded”, even though here I think “simple” does translate well, while “claro” stands for “OK” or “yes” as well as “clear” or “clearly”) Not sure what it does for brand equity that “claro” is one of the words we heard most often when people wanted to express agreement with something – That’s got to be good for this rather large Telecom operating in various countries in South America.

Nokia uses its “Connecting People” tagline in Argentina in English as it does around the world. I guess “pueblo conectando” – or the German translation of “Menschen verbinden” didn’t pass muster with the global brand guardians.